Friday, August 19, 2011

Summer work day a big success!

Thanks to all who helped make last weekend’s summer work day such a big success! We had a great turnout and tackled some big projects that have been on our wish list for some time. We managed to weed the common area gardens, water the tree wells, install two new brick utility patios, create two new member plots, turn the compost, and enjoyed an informative herb garden workshop!

Check out these photos taken by Denah, Kym, and Gabriel for some highlights.

Catherine helped trim and weed the common area gardens along with Diane, Kitty, Steve, Mary and Gabriel. Thanks also to Eddie for watering the tree wells along Page and Webster Streets.

Mark did an amazing job installing two new brick patios in the back of the garden -- one by the water spigot and another to the left of the tool shed. Thanks also to Adam for assisting with this project and to David for helping me pick up the supplies.

Denah and Kym created a new extension of the communal herb garden.

Kym conducted a workshop on creating a medicinal salve using comfrey leaves and another salve with St. John's wort flowers from the herb garden.

Kitty collecting St. John's wort flowers for the herb garden workshop.

Brent, Chad, and Adam turned the compost and transferred a big load into the "ready bin" available for gardeners to add to their soil.

John, Chris and Chad created two new garden plots for new members.

The garden is looking really great these days thanks to everyone's hard work and creative energy!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Herb garden gets beautiful new signs!

Marina, Gabriel and Kym have been doing a wonderful job taking care of the communal herb garden and it's really thriving this summer. And now thanks to Chad, we have some beautiful new signs to help you identify all the different herbs growing in the garden!

We created the communal herb garden several years ago since many gardeners like to grow herbs but don't necessarily need a lot for personal use. You'll find a nice range of culinary and medicinal herbs growing in the plot that you are welcome to take trimmings from for your own use.

Mary admires Chad's beautiful new signs for the herb garden.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Freshly harvested from the garden

We've got such a wide variety of vegetables, herbs, and other plants growing in the garden this year and it's great to see what folks are harvesting from their plots. I've been collecting a nice big bag of mixed lettuce greens from my garden about once a week and enjoying a delicious little crop of strawberries this summer. Check out some photos I took this weekend of some of the things gardeners are harvesting from their plots.

What's growing in your garden? I'd love to continue documenting the harvest at Page Street. Send me your photos to add to the blog.