Sunday, September 26, 2010

Bluegrass & BBQ at the garden!

It was a real treat to hear the bluegrass trio Walking in Sunlight perform at our annual garden barbecue on September 12! Special thanks go out to Greg, Nathan, and Eva for serenading us with their beautiful harmonies and guitar and banjo playing, and to Nigel for hooking us up with the band.

We had a really great time that day -- enjoying bluegrass on the back patio, delicious food from the grill and potluck, and having fun hanging out in front of the garden.

Thanks to everyone who helped make this event a success, including: David and Josh for handling the barbecue, Rick for taking photos and assisting with set-up, Gabriel for helping pick up some of the food, and Chandler for giving me a hand with the clean-up. A big thank you to Raven, Theo, Maizie, and Ian for the bubbles and wonderful chalk drawings on the front sidewalk!

We had a lot of leftover burgers and hot dogs so I froze them and figured we'd have another cook-out before the end of the year maybe after our fall workday (probably the first weekend in November). Stay tuned for an announcement.

Check out some photos from the event. See you next time!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tree well planting on Saturday, February 27

We got a bunch of free plants from the City that will allow
us to finish the tree well planting project surrounding John Muir
Elementary school that we started a couple of weeks ago.

Volunteers are needed to help finish the job by planting the tree wells
with drought-resistant, flowering plants on the Webster Street side of
the school. If you'd like to help, please meet at the garden at 10am
this Saturday, February 27. If it's raining at that time, we'll

Questions? Give me a call at 902-9537.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

2010 Membership Dues Needed by March 1

A belated "Happy New Year" to everyone!

With the start of 2010, it's time again to collect annual membership dues for the garden. Your dues help pay for needed supplies, ongoing maintenance, and unexpected expenses. 2010 membership dues are needed by March 1.

Over the past year, we used garden dues to cover the expenses of a number of projects, including the purchase of new tools, plants for the common area gardens and the Page Street tree wells, and food and other items for our workshops, garden barbecue, and other special events.

More people than ever before are anxious to join our garden -- over 50 people are currently on our garden waiting list. Please keep this in mind as you consider whether to renew your membership.

Given the demand for garden plots we want to make sure that all members make a serious commitment to actively garden throughout the year. Gardeners agree to use their plots year-round on a regular basis and to keep their plots (and the area surrounding them) weeded. All gardeners are encouraged to come to every workday and are expected to participate in at least one of them.

Annual dues for the garden are on a sliding scale as follows (choose whatever contribution level works for you):

$12 – gardener
$25 – butterfly
$50 – sunshine
$100 – golden trowel
or you can choose your own contribution amount

If you are interested in renewing your membership for the garden, please send a check made out to "Page Street Garden" to:

Michael McCauley
881 Hayes Street
San Francisco, CA 94117-2614

I'm anxious to make garden plots available to the folks on our waiting list, so please let me know by March 1 whether you intend to renew your garden membership. If you plan on giving up your garden plot, I would appreciate hearing from you as soon as possible.

Give me a call if you have any questions (902-9537). Thank you!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tree wells take bloom on Page Street

Have you walked by the garden along Page Street lately? Last Saturday, a group of garden volunteers worked to transform the tree wells on Page Street that border John Muir Elementary School by planting them with beautiful, drought-resistant, flowering plants.

We've been interested in adopting these tree wells for many years because they've been neglected and are often used as trash cans and dog toilets. Now they are planted with rosemary, mexican sage, bush daisies, and California native plants like Zauschneria. The plants are small but should fill in the tree well spaces nicely, help to discourage trash, and create a beautiful natural corridor along the block.

Special thanks go out to all who helped make this transformation possible: Bridgit, Gabriel, John L., June, Mary G., Matthew, Richard, and Steve. Check out these photos from the tree well planting workday.

The plants for this project were purchased at a deep wholesale discount using garden membership funds. But we're working now to try to get donated plants from the city to finish planting the tree wells along the Webster Street side of the school. I'll keep you posted as these plans progress.

By adopting these tree wells, the garden is making a commitment to take care of them, including watering them during summer months, pruning and weeding them as needed, and painting over graffiti. We've deliberately chosen low maintenance, drought resistant plants to minimize this work. Let me know if you are interested in becoming a part of the tree well team. Thanks!