Now that San Francisco's real summer has started, it's time to get ready for our annual garden barbecue coming up on Saturday, September 13.
Join us on the 13th from noon until 4pm for a garden potluck picnic! We'll have the barbecue set up out front and will supply burgers and hot dogs (including veggie versions) for the grill. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share with fellow gardeners. Throughout the afternoon we'll also feature open-mic music performances on the back patio. And we'll have bubbles and chalk drawing and other fun games for kids.
Volunteers are needed to help set up and clean up after this event. If you'd like to help out or if you're interested in participating in the open mic, please contact Michael at 902-9537.
This is a great opportunity to spend some time with your fellow gardeners and to meet others in the neighborhood. I hope to see you on the 13th!
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