Spring has finally arrived and that means it's time for our first work day of the year. I hope to see you at the garden work day on Saturday, March 29, from 10am and 2pm.
The current weather forecast calls for a slight chance of rain on Saturday, but we'll just have to wait and see what kind of weather we're dealing with that morning. In the event of rain, I’ll send out an email letting everyone know the work day has been cancelled and we’ll re-schedule.
You can also call me at 902-9537 on Saturday morning in case the weather is looking questionable and you want to find out whether the work day is still on. Hopefully, the weather forecasters will be wrong and we’ll have a nice sunny day to enjoy working in the garden.
We'll spend our time on Saturday weeding the footpaths and the common area gardens, planting another wine barrel planter for out front, replacing some of the rotten garden plot boards, and spreading new woodchips throughout the garden. At around noon or so, we'll take a break to enjoy a potluck lunch and have a group meeting. Please bring a snack or dish to share with your fellow gardeners.
During the meeting, we'll go over some garden reminders and make plans for the year. I'm anxious to talk to everyone about opportunities for getting more involved in the garden and a new project that is just getting underway to create new planter boxes around the trees surrounding John Muir Elementary. And I want to hear your ideas about how we can continue to improve the garden. What's on your garden wish list for this year?
I hope to see you on Saturday!
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