If you're planning on taking a break from gardening during the rainy winter months, be sure to come out to this Saturday's workshop on preparing your plot for the season. We'll get started at 11am and Brent Patterson will lead a workshop on sheet mulching, cover crops, as well as some important composting reminders.
Here's the poop on Saturday's workshop: On Sunday, Brent and I drove out to a horse stable near Fort Funston and picked up some donated manure for this Saturday's workshop. We also bought a couple of bails of straw and have been collecting cardboard as well. These are the supplies you'll need to sheet mulch your plot, which is an excellent way to keep weeds in check during the winter and to improve your soil.
One important thing to keep in mind about sheet mulching is that you don't have to sheet mulch your entire plot. Brent will demonstrate how to sheet mulch around existing plants that you want to keep in place. If you are planning on sheet mulching your plot on Saturday, you should give your plot a good soaking of water beforehand.
Another option for preparing your plot for the winter is growing a cover crop. If you're interested in trying a cover crop this winter, we'll provide the seeds and show you how to get started. Cover crops add nitrogen to the soil and also produce plant material that can later be added to the compost for building more soil
Potluck and music after the workshop: At 1pm we'll finish up the workshop and take a break for a potluck. Bring a dish to share with fellow gardeners and enjoy another music open-mic event beginning at that same time.
Zo is organizing the open-mic, which goes until 4pm. If you're a musician interested in peforming or if you know someone who might want to play, please give Zo a call: 845-1489
One final note: Please remember that gardeners who aren’t actively gardening during the winter or who fail to prepare their plot for the winter by the end of the year will have to give up their plots.
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