Monday, March 12, 2012

New bike rack at the garden

Bike riders now have a new rack to lock up their bikes in front of the garden thanks to Josh. Last year, Josh contacted the SF Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) on behalf of the garden to request a bike rack because there were so few options for locking up bikes right outside the garden. That was particularly frustrating for Josh because his son Aiden and a friend had their bikes stolen one day when they stopped by to water their garden plot.

Ten months later, we finally got our bike rack! A special thanks goes out to Josh for taking the initiative on the bike rack request and being so persistent. Thanks Josh!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Spring comes early to the garden

All the warm sunny weather we've been getting these past few weeks has flowers blooming early this year. From crocus and euphorbia to calendula and cherry blossoms and more, the garden is bursting with beautiful spring flowers!