Sunday, February 22, 2009

Here comes the rain again - workday CANCELLED

It looks like we've got another rainy day ahead of us so
we're canceling today's workday. We'll try again next weekend.

Keep an eye out for another notice later today with the date and time for the re-scheduled workday and workshop.

Questions? Call me at 902-9537.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Deadline TODAY for membership dues

Today is the deadline for paying 2009 garden membership dues. Thanks to all who have sent in their dues. I haven't heard from quite a few of you so I'm hoping to receive payment in the mail real soon.

If you haven't mailed your membership dues and still want to keep your plot, please email me ( to let me know your plans. I'm starting to contact people on the waiting list to let them know about which garden plots are available so I'm trying to get a good handle on that.

Mail or drop off membership dues made out to "Page Street Garden" to Michael McCauley, 881 Hayes Street, SF, CA 94117. Check out the blog for more details:

Scroll down to January 20th post for more info.

Questions? Call me at 902-9537.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Winter workday re-scheduled for February 22

Sunday's (2/15) workday and workshop is cancelled because of
expected rain. San Francisco is in store for a big rain storm tonight
and it's supposed to continue pouring off and on throughout the day on

Please make plans to come to the re-scheduled winter workday and workshop one week later on Sunday, February 22, from 10am to 1pm. We'll take care of winter chores and Gabriel will lead a special workshop on building soil, weed control, and getting ready for spring planting.

Hope to see you then.