A belated "Happy New Year" to everyone!
With the start of 2009, it's time again to collect annual membership dues for the garden. Your dues help pay for needed supplies, ongoing maintenance, and unexpected expenses. 2009 membership dues are needed by February 15.
Over the past year, we used garden dues to cover the expenses of a number of projects, including the purchase of new tools, plants for the common area gardens, supplies for the new bamboo fence, and food and other items for our workshops, garden barbecue, and other special events.
More people than ever before are anxious to join our garden -- 35 people are currently on our garden waiting list. Please keep this in mind as you consider whether to renew your membership.
Given the demand for garden plots we want to make sure that all members make a serious commitment to actively garden throughout the year. Gardeners agree to use their plots year-round on a regular basis and are expected to participate in at least one of the four annual workdays. I'd like to amend the garden agreement to require all gardeners to come to two workdays each year -- we'll be talking more about that soon.
Annual dues for the garden are on a sliding scale as follows (choose whatever contribution level works for you):
$12 – gardener
$25 – butterfly
$50 – sunshine
$100 – golden trowel
or you can choose your own contribution amount
If you are interested in renewing your membership for the garden, please send a check made out to "Page Street Garden" to:
Michael McCauley
881 Hayes Street
San Francisco, CA 94117-2614
I'm anxious to make garden plots available to the folks on our waiting list, so please let me know by February 15 whether you intend to renew your garden membership. If you plan on giving up your garden plot, I would appreciate hearing from you as soon as possible.
Give me a call if you have any questions (902-9537). Thank you!